General Publications on the CAWa Project

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updated conference proceedings of the " International Symposium on Water and Land Resources in Central Asia, held in Almaty from 9th to 11th October 2018

Peer-reviewed Scientific Papers

Bagge, M., Klemann, V., Steinberger, B., Latinovic, M., Thomas, M. (2021 online): Glacial-isostatic adjustment models using geodynamically constrained 3D Earth structures. - Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems (G3).

Alar Rosentau, Volker Klemann, Ole Bennike, Holger Steffen, Jasmin Wehr, Milena Latinović, Meike Bagge, Antti Ojala, Mikael Berglund, Gustaf Peterson Becher, Kristian Schoning, Anton Hansson, Lars Nielsen, Lars B. Clemmensen, Mikkel U. Hede, Aart Kroon, Morten Pejrup, Lasse Sander, Karl Stattegger, Klaus Schwarzer, Reinhard Lampe, Matthias Lampe, Szymon Uścinowicz, Albertas Bitinas, Ieva Grudzinska, Jüri Vassiljev, Triine Nirgi, Yuriy Kublitskiy, Dmitry Subetto,
A Holocene relative sea-level database for the Baltic Sea, Quaternary Science Reviews, Volume 266, 2021, 107071, ISSN 0277-3791, DOI :

Gerlitz, L., Vorogushyn, S., & Gafurov, A. (2020). Climate informed seasonal forecast of water availability in Central Asia: State-of-the-art and decision making context. Water Security, 10: 100061. doi:10.1016/j.wasec.2020.100061. [PubMan]

Xenarios, S., Gafurov, A., Schmidt-Vogt, D., Sehring, J., Manandhar, S., Hergarten, C., Shigaeva, J., & Foggin, M. (2019). Climate change and adaptation of mountain societies in Central Asia: uncertainties, knowledge gaps, and data constraints. Regional Environmental Change, 19(5), 1339-1352. doi:10.1007/s10113-018-1384-9. [PubMan]

 He, Z., Unger-Shayesteh, K., Vorogushyn, S., Weise, S. M., Kalashnikova, O., Gafurov, A., Duethmann, D., Barandun, M., & Merz, B. (2019). Constraining hydrological model parameters using water isotopic compositions in a glacierized basin, Central Asia. Journal of Hydrology, 571, 332-348. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.01.048. [PubMan] 

Absametov, M. K., Shagarova, L. V., & Gafurov, A. (2019). Digitalization of hydrogeological surveys results in ArcGIS. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Series of Geology and Technical Sciences, 3(435), 14-20. doi:10.32014/2019.2518-170X.62. [PubMan] 

Apel, H., Gouweleeuw, B., Gafurov, A., & Güntner, A. (2019). Forecast of seasonal water availability in Central Asia with near-real time GRACE water storage anomalies. Environmental Research Communications, 1(3): 031006. doi:10.1088/2515-7620/ab1681. [PubMan] 

Schöne, T., Zubovich, A., Zech, C., Illigner, J., Sharshedaev, A., Mandychev, D., Shakirov, A., Stolarczuk, N., Haghshenas Haghighi, M., Gerlitz, L., Gafurov, A., Moldobekov, B., & Lauterjung, J. (2019). In Situ and Remote Water Monitoring in Central Asia — The Central Asian Water (CAWa) Network. In L. Müller, & F. Eulenstein (Eds.), Current Trends in Landscape Research (pp. 599-610). Cham: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-30069-2_27. [PubMan] 

Gafurov, A., Yapiyev, V., Ahmed, M., Sagin, J., Haghaghi, A. T., Akylbekova, A., & Klove, B. (2019). Groundwater resources. In S. Xenarios, D. Schmidt-Vogt, M. Qadir, B. Janusz-Pawletta, & I. Abdullaev (Eds.), The Aral Sea Basin: Water for Sustainable Development in Central Asia (pp. Chapter 4). London and New York: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. [PubMan] 

Hoelzle, M., Barandun, M., Bolch, T., Fiddes, J., Gafurov, A., Muccione, V., Saks, T., & Shahgedanova, M. (2019). The status and role of the alpine cryosphere in Central Asia. In S. Xenarios, D. Schmidt-Vogt, M. Qadir, B. Janusz-Pawletta, & I. Abdullaev (Eds.), The Aral Sea Basin: Water for Sustainable Development in Central Asia (pp. 100-121). London and New York: CRC Press, Taylor & Fracis Group. [PubMan] 

Gafurov, A., Nurbatsina, A., & Kalashnikova, O. (2018). Water Resources Monitoring Using Remote Sensing Data in Central Asia. In V. G. Sychev (Ed.), Novel Methods and Results of Landscape Research in Europe, Central Asia and Siberia (in five volumes). Vol. 2. Understanding and Monitoring Processes in Soils and Water Bodies (pp. 405-409). Moscow, Russia: Publishing House FSBSI «Pryanishnikov Institute of Agrochemistry». [PubMan] 

Mannig, B., Pollinger, F., Gafurov, A., Vorogushyn, S., & Unger-Shayesteh, K. (2018). Impacts of Climate Change in Central Asia. In Encyclopedia of the Anthropocene (pp. 195-203). Elsevier. [PubMan] 

He, Z., Vorogushyn, S., Unger-Shayesteh, K., Gafurov, A., Kalashnikova, O., Omorova, E., & Merz, B. (2018). The Value of Hydrograph Partitioning Curves for Calibrating Hydrological Models in Glacierized Basins. Water Resources Research, 54(3), 2336-2361. doi:10.1002/2017WR021966. [PubMan] 

Apel, H., Abdykerimova, Z., Agalhanova, M., Baimaganbetov, A., Gavrilenko, N., Gerlitz, L., Kalashnikova, O., Unger-Shayesteh, K., Vorogushyn, S., & Gafurov, A. (2018). Statistical forecast of seasonal discharge in Central Asia using observational records: development of a generic linear modelling tool for operational water resource management. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 22, 2225-2254. doi:10.5194/hess-22-2225-2018. [PubMan]

Murawski, A.Vorogushyn, S., Bürger, G., Gerlitz, L.Merz, B. (2018): Do Changing Weather Types Explain Observed Climatic Trends in the Rhine Basin? An Analysis of Within- and Between-Type Changes. - Journal of Geophysical Research.

Fohlmeister, J.Plessen, B., Dudashvili, A. S., Tjallingii, R., Wolff, C., Gafurov, A., Cheng, H. (2017): Winter precipitation changes during the Medieval Climate Anomaly and the Little Ice Age in arid Central Asia. - Quaternary Science Reviews, 178, pp. 24-36.

Guse, B., Pfannerstill, M., Gafurov, A., Kiesel, J., Lehr, C., Fohrer, N. 

(2017): Identifying the connective strength between model parameters and performance criteria. - Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 21, pp. 5663-5679.

Steirou, E.Gerlitz, L.Apel, H.Merz, B. (2017): Links between large-scale circulation patterns and streamflow in Central Europe: A review. - Journal of Hydrology, 549, pp. 484-500.

Hoelzle, M., Azisov, E., Barandun, M., Huss, M., Farinotti, D., Gafurov, A., Hagg, W., Kenzhebaev, R., Kronenberg, M., Machguth, H., Merkushkin, A., Moldobekov, B., Petrov, M., Saks, T., Salzmann, N., Schöne, T., Tarasov, Y., Usubaliev, R., Vorogushyn, S., Yakovlev, A., Zemp, M. (2017): Re-establishing glacier monitoring in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, Central Asia. - Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems, 6, pp. 397-418. DOI:

Kalashnikova, O. Y., Gafurov, A. (2017): Water availability forecasting for Naryn River using ground-based and satellite snow cover data (in Russian). - Ice and snow, 57, 4

Bobrowski, M., Gerlitz, L., Schickhoff, U. (2017): Modelling the potential distribution of Betula utilis in the Himalaya. - Global Ecology and Conservation, 11, pp. 69-83.DOI:

Metzger S., B. Schurr, L. Ratschbacher, H. Sudhaus, S.-K. Kufner, T. Schöne, Y. Zhang, M. Perry, and R. Bendick. 2017. The 2015 Mw7.2 Sarez strike-slip earthquake in the Pamir interior: Response to the underthrusting of India's western promontory, Tectonics, 36, doi:10.1002/2017TC004581.

Hoelzle, M., E. Azisov, M. Barandun, M. Huss, D. Farinotti, A. Gafurov, W. Hagg, R. Kenzhebaev, M. Kronenberg, H. Machguth, A. Merkushkin, B. Moldobekov, M. Petrov, T. Saks, N. Salzmann, T. Schöne, Y. Tarasov, R. Usubaliev, S. Vorogushyn, A. Yakovlev, and M. Zemp: 2017. Re-establishing glacier monitoring in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, Central Asia, Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst., 6, 397-418, 2017

Schöne, T., E. Dusik, J. Illigner, I. Klein. 2017. Water in Central Asia - Reservoir Level Monitoring with Radar Altimetry, International Association of Geodesy Symposia Series, doi:10.1007/1345_2017_265,

Karki, R., ul Hasson, S., Gerlitz, L., Schickhoff, U., Scholten, T., Böhner, J. (2017): Quantifying the added value of convection-permitting climate simulations in complex terrain: a systematic evaluation of WRF over the Himalayas. - Earth System Dynamics, 8, pp. 507-528.

Conrad, C., Kaiser, B.O., Lamers, J.P.A. (2016): Quantifying water volumes of small lakes in the inner Aral Sea Basin, Central Asia, and their potential for reaching water and food security. Environmental Earth Sciences 75, 952. DOI: 10.1007/s12665-016-5753-8

Conrad, C.; Lamers, J. P. A.; Ibragimov, N.; Löw, F. and Martius, C. (2016): Analysing irrigated crop rotation patterns in arid Uzbekistan by the means of remote sensing: A case study on post-Soviet agricultural land use. Journal of Arid Environments 124, 150 – 159. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaridenv.2015.08.008

Conrad, C., Schönbrodt-Stitt, S., Löw, F., Sorokin, D., Paeth, H. (2016): Cropping Intensity in the Aral Sea Basin and Its Dependency from the Runoff Formation 2000–2012. Remote Sensing 2016, 8(8), 630. DOI: 10.3390/rs8080630

Gafurov, A., Lüdtke, S., Unger-Shayesteh, K., Vorogushyn, S., Schöne, T., Schmidt, S., Kalashnikova, O., Merz (2016): MODSNOW-Tool (2016): an operational tool for daily snow cover monitoring using MODIS data. Environmental Earth Sciences 75: 1078, DOI: 10.1007/s12665-016-5869-x

Gerlitz, L., Vorogushyn, S., Apel, H., Gafurov, A., Unger-Shayesteh, K., and Merz, B. (2016): A statistically based seasonal precipitation forecast model with automatic predictor selection and its application to central and south Asia, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 20, 4605-4623, DOI:10.5194/hess-20-4605-2016.

Guse, B., M. Pfannerstill, A. Gafurov, N. Fohrer, and H. Gupta (2016): Demasking the integrated information of discharge: Advancing sensitivity analysis to consider different hydrological components and their rates of change, Water Resour. Res., 52, 8724–8743, DOI:10.1002/2016WR018894.

Zech, C., Schöne, T., Neelmeijer, J., Zubovich, A., Galas, R. (2016): Geodetic Monitoring Networks: GNSS-derived Galcier Surface Velocities at the Global Change Observatory Inylchek (Kyrgyzstan). - In: Rizos, C., Willis, P. (Eds.), IAG 150 Years: Proceedings of the IAG Scientific Assembly in Postdam, Germany, 2013, International Association of Geodesy Symposia, 143, Cham: Springer International Publishing, p. 557-563, DOI:10.1007/1345_2015_38

Zubovich, A., Schöne, T., Metzger, S., Mosienko, O., Mukhamediev, S., Sharshebaev, A., Zech, C. (2016): Tectonic interaction between the Pamir and Tien Shan observed by GPS, Tectonics, 35, 2, p. 283-292, DOI:10.1002/2015TC004055

Barandun, M., Huss, M., Sold, L., Farinotti, D., Azisov, E., Salzmann, N., Usubaliev, R., Merkushkin, A., Hoelzle, M. (2015): Re-analysis of seasonal mass balance at Abramov glacier 1968–2014. Journal of Glaciology Vol. 61, No. 230. DOI: 10.3189/2015JoG14J239

Conrad, C., Rudloff, M., Abdullaev, I., Thiel, M., Löw, F., and Lamers, J. P. A. (2015): Measuring rural settlement expansion in Uzbekistan using remote sensing to support spatial planning. Applied Geography 62, 29 - 43. DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2015.03.017

Farinotti, D., Longuevergne, L., Moholdt, G., Duethmann, D., Molg, T., Bolch, T., Vorogushyn, S., and Guntner, A. (2015): Substantial glacier mass loss in the Tien Shan over the past 50 years. Nature Geoscience (8): 716-722. DOI: 10.1038/ngeo2513.

Gafurov, A., Vorogushyn, S., Merkushkin, A., Duethmann, D., Farinotti, D., Merz, B. (2015): Snow cover reconstruction methodology based on historic in situ observations and recent remote sensing data. The Cryosphere 9, 451-463. DOI: 10.5194/tc-9-451-2015

Kalashnikova, O. / Калашникова, О. (2015): К разработке методов долгосрочного прогноза стока горных рек и притока воды в водохранилища на примере реки Нарын / To the development of long-term forecast methods for the flow of mountain rivers and the inflow of water into reservoirs using the example of the Naryn River. Наука, новые технологии и инновации Кыргызстана / Science, new technologies and innovations in Kyrgyzstan, № 5, pp. 100-103 (Paper)

Kronenberg, M., Barandun, M., Hoelzle, M., Huss, M., Farinotti, D., Azisov, E., Usubaliev, R., Gafurov, A., Petrakov, D., Kääb, A. (2015): Mass-balance reconstruction for Glacier No. 354, Tien Shan, from 2003 to 2014. Annals of Glaciology 57 (71): pp. 92-102. DOI: 10.3189/2016AoG71A032

Lex, S., Asam, S., Löw, F., and Conrad, C. (2015): Comparison of two Statistical Methods for the Derivation of the Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetic Active Radiation for Cotton. Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung und Geoinformation 2015 (1), 55-67. DOI: 10.1127/pfg/2015/0250

Löw, F., Conrad, C., and Michel, U. (2015): Decision fusion and non-parametric classifiers for land use mapping using multi-temporal RapidEye data. ISPRS - Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 108, 191 - 204. DOI: 10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2015.07.001

Löw, F., Duveiller, G., Conrad, C., and Michel, U. (2015): Impact of categorical and spatial scale on supervised crop classification using remote sensing. Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung und Geoinformation 2015(1), 7-20. DOI: 10.1127/pfg/2015/0252

Peters, J., Bolch, T., Gafurov, A., Prechtel, N. (2015): Snow Cover Distribution in the Aksu Catchment (Central Tien Shan) 1986–2013 Based on AVHRR and MODIS Data. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 8 (11), pp. 5361-5375. DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2015.2477108

Schettler, G., Oberhänsli, H., Hahne, K. (online first): Ra-226 and Rn-222 in saline water compartments of the Aral Sea region. Applied Geochemistry. DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2015.04.005

Zech, C., Schöne, T., Neelmeijer, J., Zubovich, A., Galas, R. (online first): Geodetic Monitoring Networks: GNSS-Derived Glacier Surface Velocities at the Global Change Observatory Inylchek (Kyrgyzstan). International Association of Geodesy Symposia, 2015. DOI:10.1007/1345_2015_38

Conrad, C., Dech, S., Dubovyk, O., Fritsch, S., Klein, D., Löw, F., Schorcht, G., Zeidler, J. (2014): Derivation of temporal windows for accurate crop discrimination in heterogeneous croplands of Uzbekistan using multitemporal RapidEye images. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 103, 63–74. DOI:10.1016/j.compag.2014.02.003

Dietz, A.J., Conrad, C., Kuenzer, C., Gesell, G., Dech, S. (2014): Identifying Changing Snow Cover Characteristics in Central Asia between 1986 and 2014 from Remote Sensing Data. Remote Sensing 6 (12), 12752-12775, DOI: 10.3390/rs61212752

Duethmann, D., Peters, J., Blume, T., Vorogushyn, S. and A. Güntner (2014): The value of satellite-derived snow cover images for calibrating a hydrological model in snow-dominated catchments in Central Asia. Water Resources Research 50. DOI: 10.1002/2013WR014382

Eisfelder, C., Klein I., Niklaus, M. and Kuenzer, C. (2014): Net primary productivity in Kazakhstan, its spatio-temporal patterns and relation to meteorological variables. Journal of Arid Environments 103, pp. 17-30, DOI: 10.1016/j.jaridenv.2013.12.005.

Klein, I., Dietz, A. J., Gessner, U., Galayeva, A., Myrzakhmetov, A., Kuenzer, C. (2014): Evaluation of seasonal water body extents in Central Asia over the past 27 years derived from medium-resolution remote sensing data. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 26, p. 335–349. DOI: 10.1016/j.jag.2013.08.004

Löw, F. and Duveiller, G. (2014): Defining the Spatial Resolution Requirements for Crop Identification Using Optical Remote Sensing. Remote Sensing, 6(9), 9034–9063. DOI: 10.3390/rs6099034

Pfeffer, W. T., Arendt, A. A., Bliss, A., Bolch, T., Cogley, J. G., Gardner, A. S., Hagen, J.-O., Hock, R., Kaser, G., Kienholz, C., Miles, E. S., Moholdt, G., Mölg, N., Paul, F., Radic, V., Rastner, P., Raup, B. H., Rich, J., Sharp, M. J., Andreassen, L., Bajracharya, S., Barrand, N., Beedle, M., Berthier, E., Bhambri, R., Brown, I., Burgess, D., Burgess, E., Cawkwell, F., Chinn, T., Copland, L., Cullen, N., Davies, B., Angelis, H. D., Fountain, A., Frey, H., Giffen, B., Glasser, N., Gurney, S., Hagg, W., Hall, D., Haritashya, U., Hartmann, G., Herreid, S., Howat, I., Jiskoot, H., Khromova, T., Klein, A., Kohler, J., König, M., Kriegel, D., Kutuzov, S., Lavrentiev, I., Le Bris, R., Li, X., Manley, W., Mayer, C., Menounos, B., Mercer, A., Mool, P., Negrete, A., Nosenko, G., Nuth, C., Osmonov, A., Pettersson, R., Racoviteanu, A., Ranzi, R., Sarıkaya, M., Schneider, C., Sigurðsson, O., Sirguey, P., Stokes, C., Wheate, R., Wolken, G., Wu, L., Wyatt, F. (2014): The Randolph Glacier Inventory: a globally complete invetory of glaciers. Journal of Glaciology, 60, 221, p. 537-552. DOI: 10.3189/2014JoG13J176

Schettler, G., Shabunin, A., Kemnitz, H., Knoeller, K., Imashev, S., Rybin, A., Wetzel, H.-U. (2014): Seasonal and diurnal variations in dust characteristics on the northern slopes of the Tien Shan – Grain-size, mineralogy, chemical signatures and isotope composition of attached nitrate. - Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 88, p. 257-276. DOI: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2014.03.019

Shahabfar, A., Ghulam, A., Conrad, C. (2014): Understanding Hydrological Repartitioning and Shifts in Drought Regimes in Central and South-West Asia Using MODIS Derived Perpendicular Drought Index and TRMM Data. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 7 (3), pp. 983-993. DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2013.2284006

Conrad, C., Dech, S., Hafeez, M., Lamers, J., Tischbein, B. (2013): Remote sensing and hydrological measurement based irrigation performance assessments in the upper Amu Darya Delta, Central Asia. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. Volume 61-62, 52-62. DOI: 10.1016/j.pce.2013.05.002

Conrad, C., Rahmann, M., Machwitz, M., Stulina, G., Paeth, H., Dech, S. (2013): Satellite based calculation of spatially distributed crop water requirements for cotton and wheat cultivation in Fergana Valley, Uzbekistan. Global and Planetary Change 110, Part A, pp. 88-98. DOI: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2013.08.002

Dietz, A.J., Kuenzer, C., Conrad, C. (2013): Snow-cover variability in central Asia between 2000 and 2011 derived from improved MODIS daily snow-cover products. International Journal of Remote Sensing 34 (11), 3879-3902. DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2013.767480.

Dubovyk, O., Menz, G., Conrad, C., Kan, E., Machwitz, M., Khamzina, A. (2013): Spatio-temporal analyses of cropland degradation in the irrigated lowlands of Uzbekistan using remote-sensing and logistic regression modeling. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 185(6), 4775-4790. DOI: 10.1007/s10661-012-2904-6

Duethmann, D., J. Zimmer, A. Gafurov, A. Güntner, D. Kriegel, B. Merz, and S. Vorogushyn (2013): Evaluation of areal precipitation estimates based on downscaled reanalysis and station data by hydrological modelling. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 17, 2415-2434. DOI:10.5194/hess-17-2415-2013

Eisfelder, C., Kuenzer, C., Dech, S. and Buchroithner, M.F. (2013): Comparison of two Remote Sensing based Models for Regional Net Primary Productivity Estimation – a Case Study in Semi-arid Central Kazakhstan. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 1843–1856.DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2012.2226707

Gafurov, A., Kriegel, D., Vorogushyn, S., Merz, B. (2013): Evaluation of remotely sensed snow cover product in Central Asia. Hydrology Research 44(3), 506-522. DOI: 10.2166/nh.2012.094

Gessner, U., Naeimi, V., Klein, I., Kuenzer, C., Klein, D., Dech, S. (2013): The relationship between precipitation anomalies and satellite-derived vegetation activity in Central Asia. Global and Planetary Change 110, Part A, pp. 74-87. DOI:

Hagg, W., Hoelzle, M., Wagner, S., Mayr, E., Klose, Z. (2013): Glacier and runoff changes in the Rukhk catchment, upper Amu-Darya basin until 2050. Global and Planetary Change 110, Part A, pp. 62-73. DOI: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2013.05.005

Hagg, W., Mayer, C., Lambrecht, A., Kriegel, D., Azizov, E. (2013): Glacier changes in the Big Naryn basin, Central Tian Shan. Global and Planetary Change 110, Part A, pp. 40-50. DOI: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2012.07.010.

Kriegel, D., Mayer, C., Hagg, W., Vorogushyn, S., Duethmann, D., Gafurov, A., Farinotti, D. (2013): Changes in glacierisation, climate and runoff in the second half of the 20th century in the Naryn basin, Central Asia. Global and Planetary Change 110, Part A, pp. 51-61. DOI: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2013.05.014.

Löw, F., Michel, U., Conrad, C., Dech, S. (2013): Impact of feature selection on the accuracy and spatial uncertainty of per-field crop classification using Support Vector Machines. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Volume 85, 102–119. DOI: 10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2013.08.007

Mannig, B., Müller, M., Starke, E., Merkenschlager, C., Weiyi Mao,Xiefei Zhi, Podzune, R., Jacob, D., Paeth, H. (2013): Dynamical downscaling of climate change in Central Asia. Global and Planetary Change 110, Part A, pp. 26-39. DOI: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2013.05.008

Schettler, G., Oberhänsli, H., Stulina, G., Mavlonov, A. A.,Naumann, R. (2013): Hydrochemical water evolution in the Aral Sea Basin Part I: Unconfined groundwater of the Amu Darya Delta – interactions with surface waters. Journal of Hydrology 495, pp. 267–284. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2013.03.044.

Schettler, G., Oberhänsli, H., Stulina, Djumanov, J. H. (2013): Hydrochemical water evolution in the Aral Sea Basin Part II: Confined groundwater of the Amu Darya Delta – evolution from the headwaters to the delta and SiO2 geothermometry. Journal of Hydrology 495, pp. 285–303. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2013.03.035.

Schöne, T., Zech, C., Unger-Shayesteh, K., Rudenko, V., Thoss, H., Wetzel, U., Gafurov, A., Illigner, J.,and A. Zubovich (2013): A new permanent multi-parameter monitoring network in Central Asian high mountains – From Measurements to Data Bases. Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems 2, 97-111, 2013. DOI: 10.5194/gi-2-97-2013.

Stulina, G., Eshchanov, O. (2013): Climate change impacts on hydrology and environment in the Pre-Aral region. Quaternary International 311, 87–96. DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2013.07.015.

Unger-Shayesteh, K., Vorogushyn, S., Farinotti, D., Gafurov, A., Duethmann, D., Mandychev, A., Merz, B. (2013): What do we know about past changes in the water cycle of Central Asian headwaters? A review. Global and Planetary Change 110, Part A, pp. 4-25. DOI: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2013.02.004.

Dietz, A.J., Kuenzer, C., Gessner, U. & Dech, S. (2012): Remote Sensing of snow – a review on available methods. International Journal of Remote Sensing 33(13), 4094-4134. DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2011.640964

Edlinger, J., Conrad, C., Lamers, J.P.A., Khasankhanova, G., Koellner, T. (2012): Reconstructing the Spatio-Temporal Development of Irrigation Systems in Uzbekistan Using Landsat Time Series. Remote Sensing 2012, 4, 3972-3994. DOI:10.3390/rs4123972

Klein, I., Gessner, U., Kuenzer, C. (2012): Regional land cover mapping and change detection in Central Asia using MODIS time-series. Applied Geography 35, 1-16. DOI:

Gafurov, A., and Bàrdossy, A., 2009. Cloud removal methodology from MODIS snow cover product. Hydrology and Earth System Science 13 (7): 1361-1373. doi:10.5194/hess-13-1361-2009

Oberhänsli, H., Weise, S. & Stanichny, S. (2009): Oxygen and hydrogen isotopic water characteristics of the Aral Sea,Central Asia. In: Journal of Marine Systems, vol. 76, issue 3, 2009. (English)


Conference Contributions

Latinovic, M., Güntner, A., Flechtner, F., Murböck, M., and Kwas, A.: Global flood monitoring with GRACE/GRACE-FO, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2683,, 2021.

Gafurov, A., Duethmann, D., Kriegel, D., Unger-Shayesteh, K., Huss, M., Farinotti, D., Vorogushyn, S. (2017): Climate impact assessment on water resources and glacierization in the Naryn, Karadarya and Zerafshan basins, Central Asia, (Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 19, EGU2017-15122) , General Assembly European Geosciences Union (Vienna 2017).

Gerlitz, L., Vorogushyn, S., Merz, B. (2017): Predictability of winter precipitation in Central Asia – The role of tropical and extratropical drivers. EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts, Vol. 14, EMS2017-459. EMS Annual Meeting: European Conference for Applied Meteorology and Climatology 2017 (Dublin, Ireland).

Apel, H., Baimaganbetov, A., Kalashnikova, O., Gavrilenko, N., Abdykerimova, Z., Agalhanova, M., Gerlitz, L.Unger-Shayesteh, K.Vorogushyn, S.Gafurov, A.  (2017): Statistical prediction of seasonal discharge in Central Asia for water resources management: development of a generic (pre-)operational modeling tool , (Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 19, EGU2017-9017) , General Assembly European Geosciences Union (Vienna 2017).

Gafurov, A., Unger-Shayesteh, K., Duethmann, D., Kriegel, D. and Vorogushyn, S. 2018. Climate change impacts on hydrology in Central Asia. Central Asian Conference for Climate Change (CACCC), Almaty, Kazakhstan

Schönbrodt-Stitt, S., Conrad, C., Unger-Shayesteh, K., Gafurov, A., Gerlitz, L. (2017): Earth observation within CAWa project for water management in Central Asia. ISTC Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) Seminar - Water Management in Central Asia and the Caucasus for agricultural, industrial and urban applications, 20-21 April 2017, Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Gafurov, A., Apel, H., Kalashnikova, O., Nurbatsina, A., Gerlitz, S. and Vorogushyn, S. 2018. The role of remote sensing snow cover data in data-scarce semi-arid regions. SnowHydro – International Conference on Snow Hydrology, University of Heidelberg, Germany

Gafurov, A.Lüdtke, S.Unger-Shayesteh, K.Vorogushyn, S.Schöne, T., Schmidt, S., Kalashnikova, O., Merz, B. (2017): MODSNOW-Tool: an operational tool for daily snow cover monitoring using MODIS data , (Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 19, EGU2017-15884) , General Assembly European Geosciences Union (Vienna, Austria)

Unger-Shayesteh, K., Weise, S., Vorogushyn, S.He, Z.Gafurov, A., Kalashnikova, O., Ershova, N., Merz, B. (2017): Contribution of snow / glacier melt and warm season precipitation to warm season flow in a glaci-erized catchment in Central Asia, (Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 19, EGU2017-15940) , General Assembly European Geosciences Union (Vienna, Austria 2017).

Dimov, D., Schönbrodt-Stitt, S., Conrad, C., (2017): MODIS Zeitreihen für den Aufbau eines Landnutzungsinformationssystems. Deutscher Kongress für Geographie 2017, 30 September – 05 October 2017, Tübingen, Germany (German)

Dimov, D., Löw, F., Ibrakhimov, M., Stulina, G., Conrad, C. (2017): SAR and Optical Time Series for Crop Classification. 2017 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 23-28 July 2017,Forth Worth, Texas, USA.

Dimov, D., Löw, F., Ibrakhimov, M., Schönbrodt-Stitt, S., Conrad, C. (2017): Feature Extraction and Machine Learning for the Classification of Active Cropland in the Aral Sea Basin. 2017 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 23-28 July 2017, Forth Worth, Texas, USA.

Morper-Busch, L., Dimov, D., Toshpulatov, R., Schönbrodt-Stitt, S., Conrad, C. (2017): WUEMoCA Open-source WebGIS zur Wassernutzungseffizienz in Zentralasien. Deutscher Kongress für Geographie 2017, 30 September – 05 October 2017, Tübingen, Germany (German).

Schönbrodt-Stitt, S., Dimov, D., Morper-Busch, L., Unger-Shayesteh, K., Conrad, C. (2017): Open-source Monitoring und Wissen für ein Regional Nachhaltiges Wassermanagement in Zentralasien. Deutscher Kongress für Geographie 2017, 30 September – 05 October 2017, Tübingen, Germany (German).

Schönbrodt-Stitt, S., Conrad, C., Dukhovniy, V., Morper-Busch, L., Dimov, D., Schorcht, G., Toshpulatov, R., Zaitov, S., Stulina, G., Ergashev, I., Muminov, S., Solodky, G., Sorokin, A., Sorokin, D. Kitapbayev, A. (2017): A new tool for monitoring the irrigated cropland use and water use efficiency in the Amudarya basin. Regional workshop concerning „Use of Nonconventional Agricultural Water Resources to Strengthen Water and Food Security in Transboundary Watersheds of the Amudarya River Basin”, 11-14 December 2017, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

Dimov, D., Morper-Busch, L., Schönbrodt-Stitt, S., Conrad, C. (2017): From remote sensing to web mapping - integrated geoinformation for land use monitoring in Central Asia. Poster at UFZ & DLR: Workshop on Earth Observation Data. Leipzig, March 9-10, 2017

Калашникова, О. (2017): Влияние климатических изменений на динамику стока реки Нарын. Сборник статей победителей международной научно-практической конференции «Результаты современных научных исследований и разработок», 30/01/2017 Пенза / The impact of climate change on the dynamics water availability oft he Naryn river. Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference „Results of modern scientific research and development”, 30/01/2017, Penza, pp. 192-198,

Apel, H., Gafurov, A., Gerlitz, L., Unger-Shayesteh, K., Vorogushyn, S., Merkushkin, A., Merz, B. (2016): Statistical prediction of seasonal discharge in the Naryn basin for water resources planning in Central Asia. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, EGU2016-8236. General Assembly European Geosciences Union (Vienna, Austria 2016).

Conrad, C., Schönbrodt-Stitt, S., Abdullaev, I., Dimov, D., Ibrakhimov, M., Knöfel, P., Leinich, M., Morper-Busch, L., Schorcht, G., Solodky, G., Sorokin, A., Sorokin, D., Stulina, G., Toshpulatov, R., Unger-Shayesteh, K., Zaitov, S., Dukhovny, V. (2016): Remote Sensing and GIS for Supporting the Agricultural Use of Land and Water Resources in the Aral Sea Basin. Materials to the International Scientific-Practical Conference "Water Resources of Central Asia and their Use" devoted to the summing-up of the "Water for Life" decade declared by the United Nations, Almaty, Kazakhstan, September 22-24, 2016, Volume 3, pages 111-121. (Conference Paper Almaty 2016)

Dimov, D. Kuhn, J., Conrad, C. (2016): Assessment of cropping system diversity in the Fergana valley through image fusion of Landsat 8 and Sentinel-1. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume III-7, 2016, XXIII ISPRS Congress, 12-19 July 2016, Prague, Czech Republic (Conference Paper)

Gerlitz, L., Gafurov, A., Apel, H., Unger-Shayesteh, K., Vorogushyn, S., Merz, B. (2016): Towards an automatic statistical model for seasonal precipitation prediction and its application to Central and South Asian headwatercatchments. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, EGU2016-8801-1. General Assembly European Geosciences Union (Vienna, Austria 2016).

Kalashnikova, O. / Калашникова, О. (2016): Использование данных о снежном покрове со спутниковых снимков MODIS для прогноза стока рек Нарынского бассейна / Water availability forecasting in Naryn basin using MODIS snow cover data. Материалы 10-й Центральноазиатской ГИС конференции GISCA 2016, 28-30 апреля 2016, Бишкек /Proceedings of the 10th Central Asian GIS conference GISCA 2016, 28-30 April 2016, Bishkek. Вестник КГУСТА / Annals of KSUCTA, № 3 (53), pp. 134-140

Knöfel, P., Dimov, D., Schönbrodt-Stitt, S., Conrad, C. (2016): Estimation of actual evapotranspiration to derive irrigation efficiency indicators in the Aral Sea Basin, Central Asia. AK Fernerkundung, 29.-30.09.,2016, Bonn (oral presentation, Abstract)

Schönbrodt-Stitt, S., Thiel, M. (2016): Agricultural land use and water management in Central Asia – insights into the projects CAWa and LaVaCCA. Workshop on ‘Drylands in Central Asia and Beyond: Insights and Innovations’ / Central Asian Seminar, Institute for Asian and African Studies, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany, June 11 2016. (Oral presentation)

Barandun, M., Azisov, E., Gafurov, A., Hoelzle, M., Huss, M., Merkushkin, A., Salzmann, N., Sold, L., Usubaliev, R. (2015): Re-analyzing seasonal mass-balance observations at Abramov Glacier, Kyrgyzstan, from 1968 to 2013. International Symposium on Glaciology in High-Mountain Asia, Kathmandu, Nepal, 2–6 March 2015 (English abstract)

Conrad, C., Löw, F. und Lamers, J. P.A. (2015): Satellite remote sensing based indicators for an improved understanding of irrigation water use, and agricultural area dynamics in the Aral Sea basin. GeoBerlin 2015

Conrad, C., Morper-Busch, L. and Löw, F. (2015): Fernerkundung und GIS zur verbesserten Nutzung der Land und Wasserressourcen in der Landwirtschaft Zentralasiens. Deutscher Geographentag 2015 Berlin

Duethmann, D., Farinotti, D., Kriegel, D., Merz, B., Vorogushyn, S., Pieczonka, T., Bolch, T., Jiang Tong, Su Boda, Güntner, A. (2015): Understanding streamflow changes in glacierized headwater catchments of the Tarim river: attribution of past and projection of future changes based on hydrological modelling. International Glaciological Society, International Symposium on Glaciology in High-Mountain Asia, Kathmandu, Nepal, 1–6 March 2015. (English abstract)

Farinotti, D., Vorogushyn, S., Duethmann, D., Longuevergne, L., Moholdt, G., Bolch, T., Gafurov, A., Güntner, A. (2015): Tien Shan’s glacier mass changes during the last half-century and implications for glacier melt contribution. International Symposium on Glaciology in High-Mountain Asia, Kathmandu, Nepal, 2–6 March 2015. (English abstract)

Gerlitz, L., Apel, H., Düthmann, D., Gafurov, A., Vorogushyn, S., Unger-Shayesteh, K., and Merz, B. (2015): Entwicklung eines automatisierten statistischen Modells zur saisonalen Vorhersage von Temperatur und Niederschlag in hydrologischen Einzugsgebieten. 34. Jahrestreffen des Arbeitskreises Klima, Hattingen an der Ruhr 2015.

Kalashnikova, O., Gafurov, A. (2015): Application of MODIS snow cover images to improve seasonal water forecasting. International Glaciological Society, International Symposium on Glaciology in High-Mountain Asia, Kathmandu, Nepal, 1–6 March 2015. Poster 71A1419.

Knöfel, P., and Conrad, C. (2015): Evaluation of a Modified SEBAL Algorithm to Estimate Actual Evapotranspiration in Cotton Ecosystems of Central Asia using Microwave and Optical Remote Sensing Data. In European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 17, EGU2015-12708.

Kronenberg, M., Azisov, E., Barandun, M., Farinotti, D., Gafurov, A., Hoelzle, M., Huss, M., Kääb, A., Usubaliev, R. (2015): Mass-balance reconstruction for glacier No. 354, Akshiirak, inner Tien Shan, from 2003 to 2014. International Symposium on Glaciology in High-Mountain Asia, Kathmandu, Nepal, 2–6 March 2015. (English abstract)

Löw, F. (2015): Satellitengestütztes Monitoring der Agrarproduktion im Fergana Tal. 7th RESA Workshop 2015

Peters, P., Bolch, T., Gafurov, A., Prechtel, N. (2015): Snow-cover distribution in the Aksu catchment (central Tien Shan) since 1986 based on AVHRR and MODIS data. International Symposium on Glaciology in High-Mountain Asia, Kathmandu, Nepal, 2–6 March 2015. (English abstract)

Schöne, T., Illigner, J., Dusik, E., Esselborn, S. (2015): Water in Central Asia - Lake and Reservoir Level Monitoring with Radar Altimetry. Poster in the Scientific programme, 26th IUGG General Assembly, Prague 2015.

Vorogushyn, S., Barandun, M., Bookhagen, B., Conrad, C., Gafurov, A., Farinotti, D., Hoelzle, M., Löw, F., Schöne, T., Unger-Shayesteh, K. (2015): Multi-perspective analysis of water availability in central Asia during the water stress year 2014: causes and implications. International Symposium on Glaciology in High-Mountain Asia, Kathmandu, Nepal, 2–6 March 2015. (English abstract)

Vorogushyn, S. (2015): Glaciers and Hydrology – On the glacier meltwater contribution to river runoff. Lecture at the CATCOS/WGMS Summer school on mass balance measurements and analysis, Bishkek, 4.8.2015 (Presentation)

Zech, C., Schöne, T., Zubovich, A. (2015): Continuous Kinematic GPS Monitoring of a Glacier Lake Outburst Flood. Poster in the Scientific programme, 26th IUGG General Assembly, Prague 2015. (Abstract, Poster)

Zech, C., Zubovich, A., Schöne, T., Unger-Shayesteh, K. (2015): Regional Research Network Water in Central Asia, Second Kazakhstan Water Forum, Astana, Kazakhstan, 04.06.2015

Conrad, C., Löw, F. and Unger-Shayesteh, K. (2014): Mapping cropland parameters – Results from the Central Asian Water (CAWa) project. Geophysical Research Abstracts 16, EGU2014-15189.

Duethmann, D., T. Bolch, T. Pieczonka, D. Farinotti, T. Jiang, and A. Güntner (2014): A model based attribution of streamflow trends in headwater catchments of the Tarim River, Central Asia. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, C33B-05.

Duethmann, D., J. Zimmer, J. Peters, D. Kriegel, A. Gafurov, T. Blume, B. Merz, S. Vorogushyn, and A. Güntner (2014): Kaum Daten? Angepasste Ansätze für die hydrologische Modellierung in datenarmen Gebirgseinzugsgebieten. Tri-nationaler Workshop - Hydrologische Prozesse im Hochgebirge, Obergurgl, 28.09.-01.10.2014.

Farinotti, D., Longuevergne, L., Mohold, G. Duethmann, D., Bolch, T., Vorogushyn, S., Güntner, A., Gafurov, A. (2014): Adding the Long-Term Perspective: Tien Shan’s Glacier Mass Change during 1961-2012, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, C44A-01.

Fliemann, E., Löw, F. and Conrad, C. (2014): Assessing the potential of Landsat images to detect and map agricultural land abandonment in Kyzyl-Orda (Kazakhstan). Geophysical Research Abstracts 16, EGU2014-10348.

Gafurov, A., Duethmann, D., Agaltseva, N., Merkushkin, A., Pak, A., Kriegel, D., Huss, M., Güntner, A., Merz, B., Unger-Shayesteh, K., Mannig, B., Paeth, H., Vorogushyn, S. (2014): Comparative analysis of two hydrological models with different glacier parameterisations for climate impact assessment and water resources management in the Syrdarya Basin, Central Asia. Geophysical Research Abstracts 16, EGU2014-8610.

Kenjabaev, S., Dernedde, Y., Frede, H.-G., Stulina, G. (2014): Determination of actual crop evapotranspiration (ETc) and dual crop coefficients (Kc) for cotton, wheat and maize in Fergana Valley: integration of the FAO-56 approach and BUDGET. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU2014-405-1, General Assembly European Geosciences Union (Vienna, Austria 2014).

Knöfel, P., Conrad, C., Falk, U., and Bauer-Marschallinger, B. (2014): Validation of an improved energy balance model to estimate actual evapotranspiration in irrigated cotton ecosystems of Central Asia, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol.16, EGU2014-10521, EGU General Assembly, 27. April - 02. May 2014, Vienna, Austria.

Merkushkin, A., Gafurov, A., Agaltseva, N., Pak, A., Mannig, B., Paeth, H., Vorogushyn, S., Unger-Shayesteh, K. (2014): Climate related natural hazards management in the vulnerable regions of Uzbekistan - experiences in the frame of projects Climate Risk Management in Uzbekistan (CRM-Uz) and Water in Central Asia (CAWa). Geophysical Research Abstracts 16, EGU2014-8520.

Barandun, M., Huss, M., Azisov, E., Gafurov, A., Hoelzle, M., Merkushkin, A., Salzmann, N., Usubaliev, R. (2013): Re-establishing seasonal mass balance observation at Abramov Glacier, Kyrgyzstan, from 1968 – 2012. General Assembly European Geosciences Union (Vienna, Austria 2013). Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 15, EGU2013-5668 .

Barandun, M., Huss, M., Azisov, E., Gafurov, A., Hoelzle, M., Merkushkin, A., Salzmann, N., Usubaliev, R. (2013): Mass balance reconstruction and seasonal snowline observation on Abramov Glacier, Kyrgyzstan, from 1968-2012. Davos Atmosphere and Cryosphere Assembly DACA-13 (Davos, Switzerland, July 2013). (English abstract)

Duethmann, D., Güntner, A., Peters, J., Vorogushyn, S. (2013): The value of snow cover maps for hydrological model calibration in snow dominated catchments in Central Asia. General Assembly European Geosciences Union (Vienna, Austria), Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 15, EGU2013-7609.

Duethmann, D., Zimmer, J., Gafurov, A., Güntner, A., Kriegel, D., Merz, B., Vorogushyn, S. (2013): Using hydrological modelling for the evaluation of areal precipitation estimates based on downscaled reanalysis and station data in data sparse mountainous catchments in Central Asia. General Assembly European Geosciences Union (Vienna, Austria 2013). Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 15, EGU2013-7511.

Eisfelder C., Kuenzer, C. and Buchroithner, M.F. (2013): Remote Sensing based Net Primary Productivity Modelling and Derivation of Above-ground Biomass Estimates for Kazakhstan. Proceedings ESA Living Planet Symposium, 9–13 September 2013, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Farinotti, D., Güntner, A., Barthelmes, F., Düthmann, D., Gafurov, A., Huss, M., Kriegel, D., Vorogushyn, S. (2013): Snow and ice variations in the Central Asian mountains recovered by GRACE. Davos Atmosphere and Cryosphere Assembly DACA-13 (Davos, Switzerland, July 2013). (English abstract)

Farinotti, D., Güntner, A., Barthelmes, F., Düthmann, D., Gafurov,A., Huss, M., Kriegel, D., Vorogushyn, S. (2013b): The glacier mass balance of the Tien Shan mountain range, Central Asia. Materials of the International Conference “MOUNTAINHAZARDS 2013” Natural Hazards, Climate Change and Water in Mountain Areas, Bishkek 16-18 September 2013, p.187.

Gafurov, A., Vorogushyn, S., Merkushkin, A., Düthmann, D., Merz, B. (2013): Methodology for snow cover reconstruction using in-situ observations and remote sensing data. Davos Atmosphere and Cryosphere Assembly DACA-13 (Davos, Switzerland, July 2013). (English Abstract)

Kriegel, D., Vorogushyn, S., Mayer, C., Hagg, W., Gafurov, A., Duethmann, D. (2013): Changes in glacierisation, climate and runoff in the second half of the 20th century, Naryn basin, Central Asia. Davos Atmosphere and Cryosphere Assembly DACA-13 (Davos, Switzerland, July 2013). (English abstract, Poster)

Löw, F. and Duveiller, G. (2013): Determining suitable image resolutions for accurate supervised crop classification using remote sensing data. In Michel, U., et al., (Hrsg). Proceedings of SPIE 8893. Dresden, Germany, p. 15. DOI:10.1117/12.2028634

Mannig, B., Ramesh, A., Rudloff, M., Schrader, F., Conrad, C. (2013): Fernerkundung und Klimamodellierung für länderübergreifendes Management von Kleineinzugsgebieten des südlichen Ferganatals am Beispiel des Isfara-Beckens.58. Deutschen Geographentag, Passau, 2-8 October 2013 (German abstract)

Radchenko, I. (2013): Runoff simulation in the Ferghana Valley (Central Asia) using a conceptual hydrological HBV-light model. Poster at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly (Vienna, Austria 2013). Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 15, EGU2013-9249.

Radchenko, I. (2013): Hydrological modelling of semi-arid catchments with data scarcity (Ferghana Valley, Central Asia). Poster at the International Conference and Young Researchers’ Forum "Natural resource use in Central Asia: Institutional challenges and the contribution of capacity building" (Giessen, Germany, 1 October 2013).

Ramesh, A., Conrad, C., Mannig, B., Schrader, F. (2013): Hydro-Meteorological Hazards Assessment Based Upon Climate Change Considerations in Isfara Basin. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 15, EGU2013-13472-2.

Schöne, T., Gafurov, A., Zubovich, A., Unger-Shayesteh, K., Zech, C., Thoss, H., Wetzel, U., Rudenko, V., Hölzle, M. (2013): A new permanent hydrometeorological and real-time GPS monitoring network in Central Asia. Davos Atmosphere and Cryosphere Assembly DACA-13 (Davos, Switzerland, July 2013). (English abstract, Poster)

Schöne, T., Zubovich, A., Kloth, A., Zech, C., Illigner, J., Galas, R. (2013): Development of dedicated nation-wide geodetic monitoring networks – Examples from Central Asia and Oman, International Association of Geodesy Scientific Assembly, 150th Anniversary of the IAG, Potsdam, Germany, September 1.-6. 2013.

Umirzakov, G., Windhorst, D., Forkutsa, I., Breuer, L., Frede, H.-G. (2013): Estimation of evapotranspiration rate in irrigated lands using stable isotopes. Poster at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly (Vienna, Austria 2013). Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 15, EGU2013-13475.

Umirzakov, G. (2013): Stable isotope application on estimation evapotranspiration from irrigated lands. Poster at the International Conference and Young Researchers’ Forum "Natural resource use in Central Asia: Institutional challenges and the contribution of capacity building" (Giessen, Germany, 1 October 2013).

Unger-Shayesteh, K., Duckert, S., Dernedde, Y., Conrad, C., Joldubaeva, L., Teshebaeva, K., Dukhovny, V., Küppers, A. (2013): Regional trainings of technical experts - A catalyzer for transboundary water cooperation in Central Asia? Poster in the Session Collaboration in Networks for Water Capacity Development at the World Water Week 2013, Stockholm.

Unger-Shayesteh, K., Pawlowski, I., Dernedde, Y., Janusz-Pawletta, B., König, M., Ghneim, A. (2013): Capacity Building as Promoter for Transboundary Water Cooperation in Central Asia - Some German Experiences. Talk in the Session Collaboration in Networks for Water Capacity Development at the World Water Week 2013, Stockholm.

Conrad, C., Löw, F., Rudloff, M., and Schorcht, G. (2012): Assessing irrigated cropland dynamics in central Asia between 2001 and 2010 based on MODIS time series. In Proceedings SPIE 8531, Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems and Hydrology XIV. DOI: 10.1117/12.974576

Dernedde, Y., Forkutsa, I., Breuer, L., Stulina, G., Frede H.-G. (2012): Understanding vadose zone hydrology to improve irrigation practices in cotton production of Uzbekistan. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 14, EGU2012-11486, General Assembly European Geosciences Union (Vienna, Austria 2012).

Dietz, A., Conrad, C., and Kuenzer, C. (2012) Snow cover variability in Central Asia during the last decade derived from MODIS. In International Geographical Congress. 26.-30.08.2012, Cologne, Germany.

Hagg, W., Hoelzle, M., Wagner, S. (2012): Estimation of future glaciation and runoff in the upper Amu-Darya catchment, Tajikistan. Abstracts of the Snow and Ice Research Group Annual Meeting, 13th - 15th February 2012, Twizel, New Zealand.

Hoelzle, M., Azisov, E., Barandun, M., Hagg, W., Huss, M., Kriegel, D., Machguth, H., Mandychev, A., Merkushkin, A., Moldobekov, B., Schöne, T., Thoss, H., Vorogushyn, S., Zemp, M. (2012): Re-establishment of long-term glacier monitoring in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, Central Asia. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 14, EGU2012-10206.

Kriegel, D., Mayer, C., Hagg, W., Vorogushyn, S., Duethmann, D., Gafurov, A., Zimmer, J. (2012): Changes in glaciation, climate and runoff over the past four decades in the Naryn basin, Central Asia. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 14, EGU2012-10856.

Kriegel, D., Mayer, C., Hagg, W., Vorogushyn, S., Duethmann, D., Gafurov, A. (2012): Changes in glacierization, climate and runoff in the second half of the 20th century in the Naryn basin, Central Asia. The International Conference on Eurasian Mountain’s Cryosphere dedicated to the opening of the Central Asian Regional Glaciological Centre as a Category 2 Centre under the auspices of UNESCO (Almaty, Kazakhstan, 13-15 December 2012).

D. Kriegel, Ch. Mayer, W. Hagg, S. Vorogushyn, D. Düthmann, A. Gafurov, A. Mandychev (2012): Changes in glacierisation, climate and runoff in the second half of the 20th century in the Naryn basin, Central Asia. International Conference on Mountain Hazards (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 10-11 December 2012).

Bohovic, Roman und Klein, Doris und Conrad, Christopher (2011) Phenological patterns for Central Asia. Vegetation dynamics by the means of remote sensing. 31st EARSeL Symposium and 34th General Assembly, 30. Mai - 02. Jun. 2011, Prague, Czech Republic.)

Duethmann, D., Zimmer, J., Vorogushyn, S., Güntner, A. & Gafurov, A. (2011): Evaluation of the precipitation input for hydrological modeling of a mountainous catchment in Kyrgyzstan. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-9813, 2011, EGU General Assembly 2011. (English abstract, poster)

Gafurov, A (2011): Evaluation of MODIS snow cover product in Central Asia. International Symposium on Changing Cryosphere, Water Availability and Sustainable Development in Central Asia. October 10-12, 2011, Urumqi, China.

Hagg, W., Hoelzle, M., Wagner, S. (2011): Estimation of future glaciation and runoff in the Eastern Pamirs. 15th Alpine Glaciology Meeting, 24-25 February 2011, Munich (English abstract).

Hagg, W., Hoelzle, M., Wagner, S. (2011): Assessment of the water balance in the Pamirs in the year 2050. International Symposium on Changing Cryosphere, Water Availability and Sustainable Development in Central Asia. October 10-12, 2011, Urumqi, China.

Hagg, W. (2011): Schuttbedeckte Gletscher in Asien – schlechte Klimaindikatoren? Eichstätter Geographisches Kolloquium, 12 December, 2011. Katholische Universität Eichstaett-Ingolstadt, Eichstaett.

Klein, Doris und Asam, Sarah und Gessner, Ursula und Dech, Stefan (2011): Assessment of Mountainous Ecosystems In Central Asia by using Remote Sensing Based Vegetation Cover Fractions. 34th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, 10-15 April 2011, Sydney, Australien.

Mayer, C., Hagg, W., Kriegel, D., Lambrecht, A, Vorogushyn, S. (2011): Changing glacier resources in the upper Naryn basin. International Symposium on Changing Cryosphere, Water Availability and Sustainable Development in Central Asia, October 10-12, 2011, Urumqi, China.

Rudenko, Valeri, Schöne, T., Wächter, J., Zech, C., Häner, R., Zubovich, A., Unger-Shayesteh, K. (2011): SOPAF – A platform for the integration of heterogeneous information resources based on the SOS (OGC) standards. International Conference «Mathematical and Informational Technologies, MIT-2011», Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia, August, 27–31, 2011.

Zech , C., Zubovich, A., Schöne, T., Thoss, H., Echtler, H., Barkalov, S., Galas, R. (2011): Real-time GPS and Hydromet network in Central Asia – The CAWA Project. Presentation at the International Technical Workshop on "Deformation Monitoring & Satellite Altimetry Calibration", Chania, Greece, 2011.

Zech, Cornelia, Schöne, Tilo, Thoss, Heiko, Guentner, Andreas, Wetzel, Uli (2011): High-Altitude Glacier Observatory – Ground Truth for CryoSat-2. Poster at the 2nd CryoSat International Workshop, ESA/ESRIN, Frascati, Italy, 2011.

Zech, Cornelia, Schöne, Tilo, Thoss, Heiko, Guentner, Andreas, Wetzel, Uli (2011): High-Altitude Glacier Observatory – Ground Truth for CryoSat-2. Poster at the 25th IUGG General Assembly, Melbourne, Australia 2011.

Asam, Sarah und Klein, Doris und Gessner, Ursula und Conrad, Christopher und Beierkuhnlein, Carl und Dech, Stefan (2010) Ableitung des Vegetationsbedeckungsgrades aus multiskaligen Fernerkundungsdaten für hydrologische Modellierung in Zentralasien. In: Angewandte Geoinformatik 2010. Beiträge zum 22. AGIT-Symposium Salzburg, Seiten 284-289. Wichmann. Symposium und Fachmesse für Angewandte Geoinformatik (AGIT), 7.-10. Jul.2010, Salzburg, Österreich.

Brehme, M., Schettler, G., Oberhänsli, H. & Stulina, G. (2010): Groundwater-Surface Water Dynamics in the Aral Sea Region - First Radiometric Results. Poster at the International Conference on Radium and Radon Isotopes as Environmental Tracers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, March 14-19, 2010. (English)

Brehme, M., Schettler, G., Oberhänsli, H. & Stulina, G. (2010): Grundwassercharakterisierung im Amu-Darya-Flussdelta südlich des Aral Sees anhand von Radon- und Hydrochemie-Daten. Poster at the biennal conference of the Hydrogeology section of the German Geological Society FH-DGG. Tübingen, May 2010. (German)

Brehme, M., Schettler, G., Oberhänsli, H., Stulina, G., Weise, S. (2010): Dynamics of Ground-Surface Water Interaction in the Aral Sea Region - Isotopic and Hydrochemical Analyses. Poster at the International Conference "Groundwater Quality 2010" at ETH Zurich, June 13-18, 2010. (English)

Conrad, C. (2010): Potentials of remote sensing for sustainable land and water management in arid ecosystems. Keynote lecture at the International Scientific Symposium “Water in Central Asia”, Nov 24‐26 2010, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. (English)

Dernedde, Y., Umirzakov, G., Frede, H.-G. (2010): Methods to determine optimal water use for cotton growth. International Scientific Symposium “Water in Central Asia”, Nov 24‐26 2010, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. (English)

Duethmann, D., Gafurov, A., Kriegel, D. et al. (2010): Hydrological modelling for selected catchments in Central Asia. Poster at HyMeDas Spring School in Bad Schandau, April 25-30, 2010. (English)

Duethmann, D., Gafurov, A., Guentner, A., Mueller, M., Paeth, H., Vorogushyn, S., Zimmer, J.,(2010) Simulating future water balance scenarios using a hydrological model and output of a regional climate model. International Scientific Symposium "Water in Central Asia" Nov 24‐26 2010 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

Gafurov, A. & Bárdossy, A. (2010): Cloud removal methodology from MODIS snow cover product. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-7250, 2010, EGU General Assembly 2010. (English abstract)

Gafurov, A., Kriegel, D., Alimardonov, E. (2010): Evaluation and application of MODIS snow cover product in Central Asia. International Scientific Symposium “Water in Central Asia”, Nov 24‐26 2010, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Gessner, U., Ruecker, G., Dietz, A., Eisfelder, C., Ahrens, M., Kuenzer, C.(2010): Regional land surface properties of Central Asia derived by remote sensing for an improved understanding of the interactions between climate, water and vegetation. International Scientific Symposium “Water in Central Asia”, Nov 24‐26 2010, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. (English)

Gessner, U., Wehrmann, T., Huth, J., Gebhardt, S., Naeimi, V., Kuenzer, C. & Dech, S. (2010). Towards transferable large-area land cover mapping in Central Asia using MODIS time series. 34th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, 10.-15. April 2011, Sydney, Australien.

Hoelze, M., Hagg, W., Wagner, S. (2010): Future glaciation and river flow in the Vakhsh and Panj drainage basins, Central Asia. Geophys Res Abstr 12, EGU2010-6285-1.

Klein, D., Machwitz, M., Asam, S., Rahmann, M., Bloethe, J.(2010): Assessment of land use and vegetation cover fractions in Central Asia. International Scientific Symposium “Water in Central Asia”, Nov 24‐26 2010, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. (English)

Klein, D.; Lex, S.; Schramm , M. and S. Dech (2010): Monitoring of Land Cover Change in the mountains of Central Asia using an improved Change Vector Analysis, EARSeL SIG Land Use Land Cover, 1.-3-June 2011, Prague, Czech Republic.

Kriegel, D., Vorogushyn, S., Duethmann, D., Zimmer, J. (2010): Reconstruction of glacier mass balances with the hydrological model WASA. International Scientific Symposium “Water in Central Asia”, Nov 24‐26 2010, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. (English)

Machwitz, M., Bloethe, J., Klein, D., Conrad, C. & Dech, S. (2010): Mapping of large irrigated areas in Central Asia using MODIS time series. Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology XII (Proceedings Volume), Proceedings of SPIE Volume: 7824, pp. 1-12. DOI:10.1117/12.865082

Mandychev, A. (2010): Structure of water resources of Central Asia and prospect of their use at any scripts of climatic and anthropogenous changes. International Scientific Symposium “Water in Central Asia”, Nov 24‐26 2010, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. (Russian)

Mayer, C., Hagg, W., Lambrecht, A. (2010): A new glacier inventory for the upper Naryn basin and results from the 2010 field campaign. International Scientific Symposium “Water in Central Asia”, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.International Scientific Symposium “Water in Central Asia”, Nov 24‐26 2010, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. (English)

Oberhaensli, H., Schettler, G., Stulina, G., Weise, S.(2010): Hydrochemical and stable isotope composition of various compartments in the Amudarya river delta and the dynamics of surface/groundwater interaction. International Scientific Symposium “Water in Central Asia”, Nov 24‐26 2010, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

Schneider, K., Starke, M., Stulina, G., Breuer, L. & Frede, H.-G. (2010): Use of stable isotopes to calculate phreatic evaporation from irrigated cotton fields. Geophys Res Abstr 12, EGU2010-12499. (English abstract)

Stulina, G.(2010): Monitoring of ecological consequences of irrigation development in Central Asia. International Scientific Symposium “Water in Central Asia”, Nov 24‐26 2010, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

Zech , C., Zubovich, A., Schöne, T., Thoss, H., Echtler, H., Barkalov, S., Galas, R. (2010): Real-time GPS and Hydromet network in Central Asia – The CAWA Project. Poster at the IGS Workshop and Vertical Rates Symposium, Newcastle, England, 2010.

 Zech, C., Zubovich, A., Schoene, T., Thoss, H., Queisser, T., Rudenko, V., Haener, R. (2010): Hydrometeorological and real-time GPS monitoring network in Central Asia. International Scientific Symposium “Water in Central Asia”, Nov 24‐26 2010, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

Zubovich, A., Jantaev, M., Shakirov, A., Mandychev, D., Barkalov, S., Zech, C., Schöne, T., Thoss, H., Queisser, T., Rudenko, V. (2010): Hydrometeorological and real-time GPS monitoring network in Central Asia. International Scientific Symposium “Water in Central Asia”, Nov 24‐26 2010, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

Klipstein, A., Schneider, K., Breuer, L. & Frede, H-G. (2009): Virtual water flows related to land use in an intensive agriculture in the Fergana Valley, Uzbekistan. Geophys Res Abstr 11, EGU2009-8846. (English abstract)

Kriegel, D. (2009): Investigation of glacier and snow melt runoff in Central Asian headwater catchments. Poster at PhD Day of the German Research Centre for Geosciences, 23.11.2009. (English)

Ruecker, G., Wehrmann, T., Schettler, I. et al. (2009): Integration of remote sensing products in regional information systems to support decision making in land and water management in Central Asia. Bishkek, GISCA 2009. (English)

Schneider, K., Dernedde, Y., Breuer, L. & Frede, H-G. (2009): Hydrochemistry and land cover in the upper Naryn river basin, Kyrgyzstan. Geophys Res Abstr 11, EGU2009-7872. (English abstract)

Unger-Shayesteh, Katy und Rücker, Gerd (2009): The CAWa Project – A New Potential for Cooperation in CA High Elevation Research. Presentation at the International Workshop on the Northern Eurasia High Mountain Ecosystems, Bishkek, September 8 - 15, 2009.

Vorogushyn, S. Bens, O., Merz, B., Reigber, Ch., Moldobekov, B., Helm, A., Oberhänsli, H., Küppers, A., Rössner, S., Güntner, A. (2008): The Regional Research Network Project “ Water in Central Asia” (CAWa): status quo and future perspectives. Symposium in memory of the 80th anniversary of the German – Russian Alay/Pamir Expedition in 1928, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

Policy Briefs

Dusik, E., Nurmamedova, M. (2015): Inter-state cooperation and joint planning and management of transboundary river basins – The example of the Isfara river basin. Policy Briefs of the German Water Initiative for Central Asia No. 2. DOI: 10.2312/5.4.2015.002e

Дусик Э., Нурмамедова М. (2015): Межгосударственное сотрудничество, совместное планирование и управление трансграничными речными бассейнами – на примере бассейна реки Исфары. Аналитические записки «Германcкой водной инициативы для Центральной Азии» № 2. DOI: 10.2312/5.4.2015.002r

Unger-Shayesteh, K., Conrad, C., Schöne, T., Moldobekov, B. (2015): Informed Decision-Making in Land and Water Management in Central Asia: How Earth Observation Technologies may contribute. Policy Briefs of the German Water Initiative for Central Asia No. 1. DOI: 10.2312/5.4.2015.001e

Унгер-Шайесте К., Конрад К., Шёне Т. и Молдобеков Б., (2015):  Обоснованное принятие решений по управлению земельными и водными ресурсами в Центральной Азии: Как могут содействовать технологии наблюдения за поверхностью Земли. Аналитические записки «Германcкой водной инициативы для Центральной Азии» № 1. DOI: 10.2312/5.4.2015.001r

Unger-Shayesteh, K., Teshebaeva, K., Conrad, C., Löw, F., Janusz-Pawletta, B., Knauft, F.-J., Nurmamedova, M. (2015): Building and Developing Capacities in Water and Land Resources Management in Central Asia. Policy Briefs of the German Water Initiative for Central Asia No. 4. DOI: 10.2312/5.4.2015.004e

Унгер-Шайесте, К., Тешебаева, К., Конрад, К., Лев, Ф., Януш-Павлетта, Б., Кнауфт, Ф.-Ю., Нурмамедова, М. (2015): Укрепление и развитие потенциала управления водными и земельными ресурсами в Центральной Азии. Аналитические записки «Германcкой водной инициативы для Центральной Азии» № 4. DOI: 10.2312/5.4.2015.004r

Unger-Shayesteh, K., Vorogushyn, S., Dukhovny, V., Dernedde, Y., Merkushkin, A. (2015): On the future of water management in the Fergana valley: Scenarios for climate change, water resources and socio-economic development. Policy Briefs of the German Water Initiative for Central Asia No. 3. DOI: 10.2312/5.4.2015.003e

Унгер-Шайесте, К., Ворогушин, С., Духовный, В., Дернедде, И., Меркушкин, А. (2015): О будущем управления водными ресурсами в Ферганской долине: Сценарии изменения климата, водных ресурсов и социально-экономического развития. Аналитические записки «Германской водной инициативы для Центральной Азии» № 3. DOI: 10.2312/5.4.2015.003r

Book Chapters

Echtler et al. (2009): Das Forschungsnetzwerk "Water in Central Asia" (CAWa) - Von Klimawandel bis Wassermanagement. In: "Integratives und nachhaltigkeitsorientiertes Wassermanagement. Kooperationspotenziale zwischen Deutschland und Zentralasien." Hrsg. M. Kramer. Gabler-Verlag (Deutsch)

Klein, I., Gessner, U., Kuenzer, C. (2014): Generation of Up to Date Land Cover Maps for Central Asia. In: Mueller, L., Saparov, A., Lischeid, G. (eds.): Novel measurement and assessment tools for monitoring and management of land and water resources in agricultural landscapes of Central Asia. pp 329-346. Springer International Publishing. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-01017-5_19

Lex, S., Conrad, C., Schorcht, G. (2013): Analyzing the seasonal relations between in-situ fPAR/LAI of cotton and spectral information of RapidEye. In: Borg, E., Daedelow, H., Johnsen, R. (eds.): RapidEye Science Archive (RESA), Proceedings of the 5th RESA Workshop: From the Basics to the Service, GITO Verlag, Berlin

Mannig, B., Pollinger, F., Gafurov, A., Vorogushyn, S., Unger-Shayesteh, K. (2017 – online first): Impacts of Climate Change in Central Asia. In: Encyclopedia of the Anthropocene, Chapter: 09751. Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-409548-9.09751-7

Unger-Shayesteh, K., Duethmann, D., Gafurov, A., Gerlitz, L., Vorogushyn, S. (2015): Die Bedeutung der Kryosphäre im Tien Shan als "Wasserturm" für Zentralasien. - In: Lozán, J., Grassl, H., Kasang, D., Notz, D., Escher-Vetter, H. (Eds.), Warnsignal Klima: das Eis der Erde, Hamburg: Verl. Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen, p. 271-278. DOI: 10.2312/warnsignal.klima.eis-der-erde.41

Scientific Reports and Data Sets

Gafurov, A. (2021) : What hydrology can tell us about climate change in Central Asia - The third pole, Digital media (English)

Arendt, A., T. Bolch, J.G. Cogley, A. Gardner, J.-O. Hagen, R. Hock, G. Kaser, W.T. Pfeffer, G. Moholdt, F. Paul, V. Radić, L. Andreassen, S. Bajracharya, M. Beedle, E. Berthier, R. Bhambri, A. Bliss, I. Brown, E. Burgess, D. Burgess, F. Cawkwell, T. Chinn, L. Copland, B. Davies, E. Dolgova, K. Filbert, R. Forester, A. Fountain, H. Frey, B. Giffen, N. Glasser, S. Gurney, W. Hagg, D. Hall, U.K. Haritashya, G. Hartmann, C. Helm, S. Herreid, I. Howat, G. Kapustin, T. Khromova, Kienholz, M. Koenig, J. Kohler, D. Kriegel, S. Kutuzov, I. Lavrentiev, R. LeBris, J. Lund, W. Manley, C. Mayer, X. Li, B. Menounos, A. Mercer, N. Moelg, P. Mool, G. Nosenko, A. Negrete, C. Nuth, R. Pettersson, A. Racoviteanu, R. Ranzi, P. Rastner, F. Rau, J. Rich, H. Rott, C. Schneider, Y. Seliverstov, M. Sharp, O. Sigurðsson, C. Stokes, R. Wheate, S. Winsvold, G. Wolken, F. Wyatt, N. Zheltyhina (2012): Randolph Glacier Inventory [v1.0]: A Dataset of Global Glacier Outlines. Global Land Ice Measurements from Space, Boulder Colorado, USA. Digital Media.

Dukhovny, V., Stulina, G., et al. (2011): Monitoring of the Amudarya river delta and the dried bed of the Aral Sea - June 2009 - December 2010. Scientific Report for the CAWa project. Tashkent 2011 (English)

Dukhovny, V., Stulina, G., et al. (2010): Monitoring of the Amudarya river delta and the dried bed of the Aral Sea - June 2009 - May 2010. Scientific Report for the CAWa project. Tashkent 2010 (English)

Dukhovny, V., Stulina, G., et al. (2010): Database development Fergana valley and Amudarya delta. Scientific Report for the CAWa project. Tashkent 2010 (English)

Umarov, Kh., Kenjabaev, Sh., Stulina, G., Dukhovny (2010): Development of methods for irrigation monitoring in Central Asia - on the example of Fergana Valley. Scientific Report for the CAWa project. Tashkent 2010 (English)

Dukhovny, V., Stulina, G., et al. (2009): Monitoring of the Amudarya river delta and the dried bed of the Aral Sea in 2009. Scientific Report for the CAWa project. Tashkent 2009 (English)


Asam, Sarah (2010): Water Availability in the Aral Sea Basin: Derivation of Fractional Vegetation Covers from Multi-scale Remote Sensing Data for Hydrological Modeling in Central Asia. Master thesis, Julius Maximilians University Wuerzburg.

Dietz, A., 2013. Central Asian Snow Cover Characteristics between 1986 and 2012 derived from Time Series of Medium Resolution Remote Sensing Data. Dissertation, Universität Würzburg, available at:

Eilertz, D. (2011): Satellitengestützte Indikatoren zur vergleichenden Analyse und Bewertung der agrarischen Landnutzung im Raum Khorezm/Usbekistan. Bachelor thesis (in German), Würzburg University.

Eisfelder, C., 2013. Modelling Net Primary Productivity and Above-Ground Biomass for Mapping of Spatial Biomass Distribution in Kazakhstan. Dissertation, TU Dresden, available at:

Fritsch, S. (2013): Spatial and temporal patterns of crop yield and marginal land in the Aral Sea Basin: derivation by combining multi-scale and multi-temporal remote sensing data with a light use efficiency model. Dissertation, Würzburg University. Available at:

Godula, Ann-Marie (2011): Bestimmung des Wasserfließweges unter Winterweizen im Ferghanatal mittels Isotopenmessung. Institut für Landschaftsökologie und Ressourcenmanagement. Bachelor thesis, Justus Liebig University, Giessen. (German)

Hahn, Benedikt (2010): Wassermanagement in Abhängigkeit der Landnutzungsform im Ferghanatal, Usbekistan - Eine Modellierung mit Drainmod. Diploma thesis, Institute of Physical Geography. Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt. (German)

Hanke, N. (2013): Statistische Beziehung zwischen hydrologischer Abflussmenge und Ausdehnung der Bewässerungslandwirtschaft in Zentralasien. Wuerzburg University. Unpublished Diploma thesis in German.

Katz, E.-C. (2016): Untersuchung der Volumenschwankungen des Sarykamyschsees mit Hilfe fernerkundlicher Methoden, Bachelor thesis (in German), Würzburg University.

Klipstein, Anna (2009): Auswirkung des Bewässerungsmanagements auf die Wassernutzungseffizienz der Baumwolle im Ferghanatal, Usbekistan. Diploma thesis, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt.

Kuhn, J. (2016): Using very high resolution remote sensing imagery to assess crop diversity in the Fergana Valley, Uzbekistan, Master thesis (in German), Würzburg University.

Landkammer, S. (2014): Statistische Ableitung von fPAR für Baumwolle in Zentralasien aus RapidEye-Daten, Bachelor thesis (in German), Würzburg University.

Löw, F. (2013): Agricultural crop mapping from multi-scale remote sensing data - Concepts and applications in heterogeneous Middle Asian agricultural landscapes. Dissertation, Universität Würzburg.

Löw, J. (2016): Analyse der Bodenfeuchteentwicklung in zentralasiatischen Bewässerungssystemen anhand von ASCAT-Zeitserien, Bachelor thesis (in German), Würzburg University

Nakath, L. (2015): Bewässerungsfeldbau in Usbekistan unter Klimawandelbedingungen. Eine Fallstudie der Water User Association Akbarabad im Ferghanatal. Master thesis at Giessen University. (German)

Rahmann, Maren (2011): Klassifikation der Landnutzung und Landbedeckung zur Ermittlung des Wasserbedarfs von Baumwolle und Winterweizen im Ferghana-Tal (Usbekistan). Diploma thesis, Institute for Geography, University of Wuerzburg. (German)

Rörsch, S. (2016): Urbane Entwicklung und Struktur im ländlichen Raum Usbekistans am Beispiels des Ferghanatals, Bachelor thesis (in German), Würzburg University

Sauerbrey, J. (2016): Volumenschwankungen von Stauseen im Gebiet Khorezm, Usbekistan, Bachelor thesis (in German), Würzburg University

Schäfer, F. (2012): Fernerkundungsbasierte Modellierung und Validierung der tatsächlichen Evapotranspiration in Khorezm, Usbekistan, Bachelor thesis (in German), Würzburg University

Seeger, Stefan (2010): Aufbereitung von LAI-Daten als Eingangsdaten für die hydrologische Modellierung und Zusammenhang zwischen LAI und Niederschlagsdaten. Bachelor thesis, Institute for Hydrology, Albert Ludwigs University, Freiburg im Breisgau.

Starke, Martina (2010): Analysis of Phreatic Evaporation in an Intensively Irrigated Agricultural Area in Fergana Valley (Uzbekistan) by Using Stable Isotopes. Master thesis, Institute of Landscape Ecology and Resources Management, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Giessen.

Stelzner, T. (2016): Einfluss der Wasserverfügbarkeit auf die Dynamik der Nutzungsintensität landwirtschaftlicher Flächen in zentralasiatischen Bewässerungsgebieten, Bachelor thesis (in German), Würzburg University.

Vollmuth, M. (2011): Analyse von Diversitätsmustern in der Landwirtschaft von Usbekistan am Beispiel einer Rapid-Eye-Klassifikation, Bachelor thesis (in German), Würzburg University.

Vollmuth, M. (2015): Zusammenhänge der Schneedynamik und des Abflussverhaltens im Einzugsgebiet des Naryn - Statistische Betrachtungen und physiogeographische Erklärungen, Master thesis, Würzburg University