First CAWa monitoring station in Uzbekistan installed

With the installation of the first CAWa monitoring station in Uzbekistan, the regional hydrometeorological monitoring network covers now three Central Asian states. The 7th station of the network was installed in early November 2012 jointly with the Ulugh Beg Astronomical Institute (UBAI) of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences on the territory of the Maidanak high-mountain Observatory.

CAWA Training Course "Use of GIS Techniques in Natural Resources Management"

From December 10th to 14th, 2012, a training course with focus on GIS techniques for natural resource management was hold at GFZ in Potsdam. The CAWa project invits specialists of the Central Asian hydrometeorological services, research institutions and water management organisations to participate in the course. This course was organized in cooperation with the Central Asian Institute for Applied Geosciences CAIAG.