Meeting between partners of CAWa Green project and Institute of Water Problems, Hydropower and Ecology, National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan
Partners of CAWa Green project that is implemented in the frame of the Green Central Asia Program funded by the Federal Foreign Office of Germany met on 27.10.2021 with the Institute of Water Problems, Hydropower and Ecology, National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan (IWPHE NAST) to discuss possible cooperation between the institutes.
CAWa Green Project team included Dr Tilo Schone, Dr Milena Latinovic, Dr Abror Gafurov and Mr Najib Kakar from the German Research Center in Potsdam, as well as Prof. Dr Cristopher Conrad and Dr Muhammad Usman from the University of Halle. Director of IWPHE NAST Amirzoda Orif Khamid and Dr Jafar Niyazov were representing their institute, as well as Prof. Yarash Pulatov who is a professor and the head of the Department of Innovative Technologies of IWPHE NAST.
Partners of CAWa Green Project started the meeting with a summary of the research interestest of each working group followed by a lively discussion. An online gathering ended with the presentation of Dr Jafar Niyazov and his overview of IWPHE NAST research interests and a conclusion that a lot of aligned topics are found between two sides. The fruitful meeting opened doors for cooperation between CAWa Green Project and IWPHE NAST and the next steps towards it will be decided shortly.