Training "Tools for optimized water use in irrigation"

On November 22-23, 2010, SIC ICWC and ZEU are inviting young scientists and water managers as well as water users to participate in a training on basic concepts in estimating water balances on irrigated fields. The training will also introduce the FAO-CROPWAT model which is used to determine crop water requirements and optimal irrigation schedules. The training is held prior to the International CAWa Symposium in Tashkent. For details see the symposium pages.

Scientific Symposium "Water in Central Asia" in Tashkent, 24-26 November 2010

The CAWa project invites international and Central Asian researchers to participate in the international scientific symposium "Water in Central Asia" scheduled for 24-26 November 2010 in Tashkent. The symposium will focus on applied research against the background of Central Asian water management covering topics like climate change, water availability, water management, and remote sensing methods. For detailed information on the symposium please see the symposium pages: International Scientific Symposium 2010

Training course "GIS in Hydrology" announced

From October 25 to 29, 2010, a GIS training with focus on hydrological problems will be held at GFZ in Potsdam. The CAWa project is inviting specialists of the Central Asian hydrometeorological services, research institutions and water management organisations to participate in the course.

Glacier Expedition to the Tian-Shan Mountains

To investigate the dynamics of glaciers in the Tian-Shan mountains and how they are affected by climate change, researchers from Germany, Austria and Kyrgyzstan went on a three-week expedition in July 2010.

CAWa researchers contribute to UNDP workshop on glacier melting

Scientists from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and abroad met in Almaty to discuss how they can cooperate to better monitor melting glaciers in Central Asia. The workshop was organized by UNDP on June 24-25 in the frame of their Climate Risk Management in Central Asia programme.

CAWa researchers discuss first results in water resources and climate modeling

On May 18, 2010, researchers from GFZ, CAIAG, DLR, the University of Wuerzburg and the Munich Glaciology Group (Commission for Glaciology of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich) met for their annual workshop in the frame of the second work package of the CAWa project.

Progress of the CAWa project presented at Federal Foreign Office in Berlin

On April 12, representatives from GFZ and DLR participated in the “Berlin Process” coordination meeting at the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin. They presented the ongoing activities and the first results of the CAWa project.

Second Expedition of ZEU and SIC ICWC specialists to Fergana Valley

Scientists from ZEU and SIC ICWC had their second expedition in the frame of the CAWa project to Fergana valley in March 2010. The field works are carried out to assess the water use efficiency and quantify the amount of evaporating groundwater – which is lost for productive use.

Kyrgyz-German Research Institute continues research works despite political unrests

The Central Asian Institute of Applied Geosciences CAIAG, founded by GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences survived the serious unrest and looting in Bishkek in the beginning of April comparably unblemished.

Second CAWa Workshop with Central Asian Hydromet Services held successfully

For two days, from December 17 to 18, 2009, specialists from Central Asian and German research institutions and water agencies met in Bishkek for their second CAWa Workshop.