Special Issue : Central Asian Journal of Water Research

Innovative tools and methods in water and land resource management in Central Asia

International Symposium on Water and Land Resources in Central Asia, held in Almaty from 9th to 11th November 2018.

From 9th to 11th October, 2018 the “International Symposium on Water and Land Resources in Central Asia“ took place in Almaty, Kazakhstan. The scientific conference was organized in the framework of the „Central Asia Water“ (CAWa) project, as part of the German Initiative for Central Asia (“Berlin Process”) and was funded by the German Federal Foreign Office (grant no. AA7090002).

CAWa Edu Workshop „CAWa Tools in Water and Land Resource Management“ at the National Agrarian University of Kyrgyzstan

A CAWa Edu Workshop took place at the National Agrarian University of Kyrgyzstan on October 12th to 17th 2018.


Prof. Dr. Viktor A. Dukhovniy will provide a keynote on “Water and Land Management in Central Asia – Present Situation and Future Perspective” at the International Symposium on Water and Land Resources in Central Asia, taking place October 09-11, 2018 in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

CAWa Edu Workshop „CAWa Tools in Water and Land Resource Management“ at Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Melioration (TIIAME)

A CAWa Edu Workshop took place at the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Melioration from June 13th to 19th 2018.

CAWa summer school 2018 at the German Kazakh University

The 5th Summer School "Methods and Tools for the Assessment and Monitoring of Central Asian Water and Land Resources " took place at the German-Kazakh University in Almaty 11-22 June 2018.

International Symposium on Water and Land Resources in Central Asia – Apply for Travel Grants until May 31 2018!

The participation in the International Symposium (www.cawa-project.net/conference-2018is free of charge.  However, travel expenses might not be covered for everybody!

We offer grants (including travel expenses and accommodation) for a limited number of participants without financial support from their home institution.

International Symposium on Water and Land Resources in Central Asia – Call for Abstracts is open!

Central Asia, comprising the arid to semi-arid regions of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Afghanistan, faces enormous challenges with regard to the scarcity and the pronounced inter-annual variability of water resources.

CAWa Summer School 2018: Call for Applications

The Call for applications for the annual CAWa Summer School "Methods and Tools for the Assessment and Monitoring of Central Asian Water and Land Resources" has been opened. Please submit your documents by 30 April 2018. The Summer School is the fifth in a row and will be held from 11 to 22 June 2018 at the German-Kazakh University in Almaty.

CAWa Project Meeting in Tashkent on the "Validation Strategy for Land Use Classification"

Within the CAWa project, the Department of Remote Sensing at the University of Würzburg (Germany) and the Scientific Information Center of the Interstate Coordination Water Commission (SIC ICWC) in Tashkent (Uzbekistan) held a meeting on ‘Validation Strategy for land use classification’. This meeting was organized within the Work package III: “Online Tool for Monitoring of Land and Water Use Efficiency” on 27th February – 1st March 2018 at SIC ICWC.