Mass balance measurements on Tien Shan and Alay glaciers 2013

Following-up on the mass balance measurements during the previous years 2010-2012, new accumulation and ablation measurements at Abramov, Golubin, Akshiirak and Suek Glaciers were taken in July/August this year by a multi-national team of researchers from Kyrgyzstan, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark and Sweden. The data will be used to compute the 2012/2013 mass balances of the visited glaciers.

Monitoring station at Golubin Glacier installed

In the end of July 2013, an international team of researchers from Kyrgyzstan, Germany and Switzerland installed a hydrometeorological monitoring station near the Golubin Glacier in the Ala-Archa National Park (Kyrgyzstan). This is the 9th station installed in the frame of the CAWa project in Central Asia.

CAWa at the World Water Week 2013

At this year’s World Water Week in Stockholm dedicated to the topic of “Water cooperation – building partnerships”, the CAWa project co-convened the session “Collaboration in Networks for Water Capacity Development”, which was organized in cooperation with UNDP’s CapNet programme.

CAWA Training Course "Statistical Analysis in Hydrology: Introduction into R"

From December 9th to 13th, 2013, a training course on statistical analysis in hydrology using the free software R will be hold at Central Asian Institute for Applied Geosciences CAIAG in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic. R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. The CAWa project invites Ph.D-students, young scientists, academic staff of research institutions and specialists from water management organisations in Central Asia to participate in the course. This course is organized in cooperation with the University of Potsdam and the Centre for International and Environmental Research (ZEU) at Giessen University.

CAWA Training Course "Remote Sensing for Hydrological Monitoring"

From August 5th to 9th, 2013, a training course with focus on Remote Sensing for Hydrological Monitoring will be hold at Central Asian Institute for Applied Geosciences CAIAG in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic. The CAWa project invits specialists of the Central Asian hydrometeorological services, research institutions and water management organisations to participate in the course. This course is organized in cooperation with the  and the University of Würzburg Faculty of Geography and Geology Department of Remote Sensing.

CAWa experts support transboundary river basin authorities

Between October 2012 and March 2013, CAWa experts from the University of Wuerzburg supported initial steps towards the establishment of transboundary river basin authorities envisaged in the Isfara river basin, shared by Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, and the Murghab-Tedjen river basin, shared by Turkmenistan and Afghanistan. In the frame of the Transboundary Water Management in Central Asia Programme (TWMCA) implemented by the “Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit” (GIZ) as part of the “Berlin Process”, the researchers assisted in the generation of detailed land use maps, as well as the assessment of climate change impact and natural hazards.

Training Course "Technical Equipment for River Runoff Monitoring: Sensors, handling and applications"

From April 22nd to 26th, 2013, a training course with focus on Technical Equipment for River Runoff Monitoring was hold at GFZ in Potsdam. The CAWa project invited specialists of the Central Asian hydrometeorological services, research institutions and water management organisations to participate in the course. This course was organized in cooperation with the Central Asian Institute for Applied Geosciences CAIAG.

Technical Training "Installation, Operation and Maintenance of CAWa HyMet Hydrometeorological Monitoring Stations"

From 15th to 19th April 2013 the techncal training "Installation, Operation and Maintenance of  CAWa HyMet Hydrometeorological Monitoring Stations" will take place in Potsdam. The CAWa project invites engineers and technical staff of organizations intending to build up and run hydrometerological monitoring stations in their countries.

Две станции мониторинга введены в эксплуатацию в Таджикистане

В Таджикистане в конце мая / начале июня 2012 года завершены работы по установке двух постоянных автоматических гидро-метеорологических станций. Станции Дупули и Айвадж расположены в самой западной и самой южной частях страны, вблизи границ с Узбекистаном и Афганистаном. Команда специалистов Таджик-гидромета, ЦАИИЗ и GFZ  установила станции и запустила их в эксплуатацию.

Первая CAWa станция в Узбекистане

В начале ноября 2012 года была установлена первая в Узбекистане станция по проекту CAWа на территории Высокогорной Майданакской обсерватории Астрономического Института имени Улугбека (АИ) при Академии наук Узбекистана.Теперь, гидро-метеорологическая наблюдательная сеть проекта CAWa охватывает три центрально-азиатские государства (Кыргызистан, Таджикистан, Узбекистан).