22 Young Scientists trained in 3rd CAWa Summer School
The 3rd Summer School "Methods and Tools for the Assessment and Monitoring of Central Asian Water and Land Resources - From field measurements to spatial analysis" took place at the German-Kazakh University in Almaty 6-18 June 2016. Overall 22 young master and PhD students as well as young specialists from government agencies and research institutions from six countries participated in the two-week training.
Workshop discusses improvement of seasonal runoff forecasts
Within the 2nd work package of the CAWa project, the workshop “Statistical Models to Improve the Seasonal Runoff Forecast in Central Asian River Basins” was held in Almaty, 9-10 June 2016. Overall 24 participants, among them specialists from the forecasting departments of the national Hydrometeorological services of the five Central Asian countries and researchers from regional and German institutions discussed the state of seasonal runoff forecasting in Central Asia and the potential for improvement. CAWa researchers presented first preliminary results from statistical models which promise good forecasting results in data scarce Central Asian river basins.