CAWA Technical Training "Installation, Operation and Maintenance of CAWa HyMet Hydrometeorological Monitoring Stations"
From December 5th to 9th, 2011, a technical training on installation, operation and maintenance of CAWa HyMet Hydrometeorological Monitoring Stations was hold at GFZ in Potsdam. The CAWa project invited 10 specialists from Afghanistan and Tajikistan to participate in the training.
Installation, Operation and Maintenance of CAWa HyMet Hydrometeorological Monitoring Stations
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Course concept
The technical training was hold in full-day lessons for 4.5 days. The focus was on the practical demonstration of systems, software and sensors by the lecturer and the application and implementation of the learned concepts by the participants. This course and hands-on trainings shall enable participants to install a hydrometeorological monitoring station.
For details, please see the course announcement.
Contact the organizer
Stephan Duckert
Helmholtz Centre Potsdam
German Research Centre for Geosciences GFZ
Potsdam, Germany
phone +49 331 288-1038
Опубликовано Stephan Duckert в