CAWA Training Course "Use of GIS Techniques in Natural Resources Management"
From December 10th to 14th, 2012, a training course with focus on GIS techniques for natural resource management was hold at GFZ in Potsdam. The CAWa project invits specialists of the Central Asian hydrometeorological services, research institutions and water management organisations to participate in the course. This course was organized in cooperation with the Central Asian Institute for Applied Geosciences CAIAG.
Relevance of GIS methods
Geodata have become increasingly important in natural resources management and for georisk assessment. They include remote sensing data which provide information in an objective and repeatable manner for large areas but also for small-scale applications. The analysis of geodata yields basic information (e.g. topography and river networks) as well as very specific results (e.g. vulnerabilities, risk indices) which are crucial for decision makers in water and land resources management, irrigation planning or disaster control. GIS are a useful tool for information retrieval, monitoring, simulations and risk assessment and thus help to address the complex challenges in water and land management in Central Asia.
The workshop provides a theoretical background in GIS as well as an introduction to specific applications in natural resources management. The participants will be trained in using the software ArcGIS 10 with lessons of downloading, visualization and processing of geodata. A special focus is set on the use of digital elevation models for deriving relevant topographical input parameters, extracting swath profiles and generating maps for specific applications. Another focus is on the use of Google Earth as a source of information. The workshop aims at enabling experts from hydrometeorological services, universities and research institutions in Central Asia to use geodata for their specific tasks.
Course concept
First, an introduction to GIS concepts will be given. Several applications will be shown to demonstrate the use of ArcGIS 10. There will be an alternation of short theoretical modules and problem oriented practical exercises which will cover specific tasks in digital elevation models and GIS maps. The exercises aim at producing individual GIS models and maps on the individual GIS projects of the participants and at discussing the results in the group.
The course concept is prepared to adapt the program to specific requests of the participants. The participants are encouraged to bring GIS and other geodata related to their current work.
For details, please see the course announcement.
Contact the organizer
Stephan Duckert
Helmholtz Centre Potsdam
German Research Centre for Geosciences GFZ
Potsdam, Germany
phone +49 331 288-1038
Опубликовано Stephan Duckert в