Workshop on "Methods and Tools for the Assessment and Monitoring of Central Asian Water Resources" hold at TIIAME
In the frame of CAWa Project, the first workshop on “Methods and Tools for the Assessment and Monitoring of Central Asian Water Resources” at TIIAME (Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers) was held in Tashkent (Uzbekistan) on 7-8 August 2017. Overall, 20 participants from TIIAME, Uzbek Hydrometeorological Service (Uzhydromet), National University of Uzbekistan, International Institute of Water Management (IWMI) and Institute of Geology and Hydrogeology took part in the workshop. Lectures were held by experts from GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences (Potsdam, Germany), University of Fribourg (Switzerland) as well as from University of Oslo (Norwey).
Workshop topics
Workshop topics were dedicated to introduction and application of advanced methodologies and tools in the assessment of water resources but also in natural sciences in general. Participants were introduces into specific topics such as hydrological modeling and hydrological forecasting but also into modern tools such as R statistical programming and application of remote sensing data for water resources assessment in Central Asia. Moreover, the in the frame of CAWa project developed MODSNOW-Tool for operational snow cover monitoring was introduced to participants. As glaciers contribute highly to late-summer water resources, an overview of glaciological studies in the frame of CICADA project were also introduced. Thereafter, interested candidates among workshop participants were selected for glacier expeditions who joined field trips in Uzbekistan (Barkrak Glacier) and Kyrgyzstan (Batysh Sook, GL354).
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